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HOME >> News >> Nash, vice president of Amazon quit Hewlett-Packard

Nash, vice president of Amazon quit Hewlett-Packard

Published:2014-07-29 Views:3209 Publisher:www.wiseleed.com

According to foreign media reports, the amazon Kindle division vice President Mike Nash (Mike Nash) last month to HP, serving as a consumer PC and vice President of product management solution department.

Nash in the amazon work for three years, previously at Microsoft for nearly 20 years.

Nash in HP at bellevue work division, to be responsible for consumer PCS and solutions business, senior vice President Ron exam Flynn (Ron Coughlin) report.

Amazon spokeswoman did not comment.

Technology blog All Things D last week reported that more than amazon executives have left or extended vacation time, including general counsel Michelle Wilson (Michelle Wilson), digital media business, senior vice President Steven Kaiser (Steven Kessel) and global business operations, senior vice President mark Mr. Nieto (Marc Onetto).

HP last year launched a Converged Cloud, the powerful challenge to the amazon Cloud computing service

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